Halberd, halberd, shotguns, shotguns

It's possible, who knows, that maybe I can write another book. An old worry: why there was never a strike at an arms factory
First edition: 2014
Porto Editora
Upon his death in 2010, José Saramago left written thirty pages of what would be his next novel; thirty pages where the plot thread was already outlined, the two protagonists profiled and, above all, the questions that interested his permanent and committed vocation to stir consciences were posed. Saramago writes the story of Artur Paz Semedo, a man fascinated by artillery pieces, employed in an armaments factory, carrying out an investigation in his own company, urged by his ex-wife, a woman with character, pacifist and intelligent. The evolution of the protagonist's thinking allows us to reflect on the dirtier side of international politics, a world of hidden interests that underlies most war conflicts in the twentieth century. Two other texts – by Fernando Gómez Aguilera and Roberto Saviano – situate and comment on the last words of the Portuguese Nobel Prize winner, whose strength is highlighted by the illustrations of another Nobel Prize winner, Günter Grass.

Trans: Karin von Schweder-Schreiner
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe
José Saramago, ein so sprachgewaltiger wie politischer Author, hat in seinen Romanen stets der Gesellschaft den Spiegel vorgehalten. In seinem Romanfragment “Hellebarden”, an dem er bis zu seinem Tod gearbeitet hat, setzt sich der Nobelpreisträger ironisch und spielerisch zugleich damit auseinander, welche Folgen der Handel mit Waffen nach sich zieht. Ein hochbrisantes Thema, das heute mehr denn je die ganze Welt bewegt.
Mit Beiträgen von Roberto Saviano und Fernando Gómez Aguilera und Illustrationen von Günter Grass.

Trans: Pilar del Río
Publisher: Alfaguara
Months before his death, José Saramago felt once more the vital impulse to reflect from fiction on one of his greatest concerns: the violence exerted on persons and societies, which suits them to victims and prevents them from being absolute dueñas of theirs lives. The result of this impulse is Halberds, halberds, shotguns, shotguns, an emotional huella of the insatiable spirit of play by José Saramago and his last narrative volunteer.
The unfinished report plants the moral conflict of Artur Paz Semedo, employed by an arms factory, who, intrigued by the sabotage of a bomb during the Spanish Civil War and urged by Felicia, his ex-wife, initiates an investigation into the conflicts of a time convulsed, what arouses in an intimate debate between the blindness imposed by the inherited fear and the need for compromise.
This special edition, illustrated with pictures by Günter Grass, includes the work notes by Saramago, in which the author plans which would be the end of the narrated story. It is also complemented with texts by Italian journalist and writer Roberto Saviano, and by Spanish poet and essayist Fernando Gómez Aguilera.
Halberds, halberds, rifles, rifles is a reflection on power and destruction, on how weapons feed the great ethical failure of humanity that are wars, on peace as the only possible way to break with the apparent inevitability of violence .
"What if calla when I call it cannot die without decir all."
«Poem with closed mouth»
«For his last meeting with the deed, Saramago chose the arms, source without equal of benefit and pain. There is nothing more impermeable to humanism than weapons.”
Luiz Eduardo Soares

Publisher: Companhia das Letras
When he died, in June 2010, José Saramago had left one last project unfinished on his computer. Under the title Halberds, halberds, rifles, rifles – an excerpt from Gil Vicente's Exhortation to War – the Portuguese Nobel Prize created the story of Artur Paz Semedo, an ordinary man who works at the arms factory Produções Belona SA
Paz Semedo is the exemplary employee who never questioned the orders of his superiors or became anxious about the purpose of the items manufactured in the company. On the contrary, he actually felt a certain pride in the firm's reputation and aspired to direct the heavy armaments area. However, his wife, Felicia, a radical pacifist about to change his first name, left him because he could no longer bear to live with his husband's profession. There are signs everywhere that he will no longer live with such a calm conscience. In this brief narrative one can already feel all the strength and beauty typical of Saramago's work, who undoubtedly spawned a remarkable novel about the human condition and banality there. of violence. This posthumous edition also brings illuminating essays by Fernando Gómez Aguilera, Roberto Saviano and Luiz Eduardo Soares – who pay a kind of tribute to Saramago here by commenting on the final pages of one of the greatest authors in the Portuguese language.

Trans: Pilar del Río
Editora Alfaguara
Halberds, halberds, rifles, rifles is a reflection on power and destruction, on how weapons feed the great ethical failure of humanity that are wars, on peace as the only possible way to break with the apparent inevitability of violence .

Trans: Genevieve Leibrich
Publisher: Seuil
Quelques mois avant sa mort, José Saramago avait entamé l'écriture d'a nouveau roman ayant pour thème le commerce des arms et la responsabilité individuelle. Ce récit demeuré inachevé raconte the moral conflict of Artur Paz Semedo, employé d'a factory d'armement qui, intrigue for the sabotage of a bomb pendant la war civile espagnole, décide d'enquêter à l'intérieur de primême . It is a plongée dans le dédale des archives et les découvertes qu'il y fait le poussent à refléchir sur la guerre while the ethic majeur renown of humanité, et sur le character inévitable apparemment de la violence.
Cette edition comprises the notes of travail de l'auteur sur la fin qu'il envisageait de donner à cette histoire, ainsi qu'an unpublished text by Roberto Saviano, écrit pour son ami José Saramago à l'occasion de sa disparition. Un an avant son propre decès, Günter Grass, also a Nobel Prize in Literature, s'était joint à cet hommage en offrant those of those desins consacrés à la violence et la guerre.
José Saramago is in 1922 in Azinhaga, au Portugal. Écrivain majeur du XXe siècle, son œuvre, qui comprend des romans, des essais, de la poésie et du théâtre, est traduite dans le monde entier. The first prize in 1995, the Camões prix, the plus haute distinction des lettres portugalis, and the Nobel prize for littérature in 1998. The prize was décédé à Lanzarote in 2010.

Trans.: Harrie Lemmens
Publisher: Meulenhoff
Een klein jaar voor zijn dood op 18 juni 2010, begon by English Nobelprijswinnaar José Saramago, ondanks zijn hoge leeftijd en zwakke gezondheid, toch nog aan een nieuwe roman. Het startpunt was een vraag die hij zichzelf stelde: zou er ooit zijn gestaakt in een wapenfabriek? Artur Paz Semedo, werknemer van zo'n fabriek, wordt in the het zien van een film over by Spaanse Burgeroorlog door zijn pacifstische ex-vrouw Felicia bewogen om onderzoek te doen naar het beleid van zijn bedrijf in die tijd. Al gauw ontdekt hij dat dat wel degelijk een moment van onrust en verzet kende.
De roman is nooit voltooid maar in de aanzet is de meesterhand van deze rasverteller onmiddellijk herkenbaar. Hellebaarden is het testament van een stem tegen uitbuiting en machtsgeweld, thema's die regelmatig terugkeren in Saramago's oeuvre. Een testament dat temns een appèl is aan het geweten van de lezer en van diereen die macht uitoefent.
Onvoltooid maar onmisbaar voor de liefhebbers van De stad der blinden, Alle namen, Het beleg van Lissabon en al die andere magistrale romans van Saramago.
Met een nawoord van Harrie Lemmens en interview met Pilar del Río, by weduwe van Saramago.
Pers over het werk by José Saramago
'Bovenlicht is een grote verrassing. Op een wonderlijke manier weerspiegelt de latere ontwikkeling van Saramago's schrijverschap zich al in ten roman.' NRC Handelsblad
'Steevast weet Saramago te ontroeren zonder ook maar in de verte goedkoop of sentimenteel te worden.' of Volkskrant
'Saramago biedt een originele stijl en no-nonsense humor.' Vrij Nederland

Trans: Rita Desti
Publisher: Feltrinelli
rtur Paz Semedo, impiegato di a storica fabbrica d'armi, le Produzioni Bellona SA, and intenditore di film bellici, profusely colpitose of the alcune commoventi immagini of L'Espoir, by André Malraux, which he attends casually. The next lettura del libro, which stops già provoking un'imperceptibile incrinatura in its certitude of the lover's appassionato delle armi da fuoco, and, poco dopo, the suggestion of ex moglie Felicia, a pacifist invited, dine negli archivi de scoll'azienda if le Produzioni Bellona SA abbiano ma venduto armamenti ai fascisti the avviano versus un'avventura che purtroppo non sapremo, pur potendolo immaginare of fedeli lettori di José Saramago, fin dove lo avrebbe condotto. Alabarde Alabarde promises to be a beautiful romance and a great act. The armi, the war, the economy, the individual, the sleep policy I fear the Nobel in portghese aveva urgenza di affrontare. Plot and character were no strumenti che padroneggiava con magistrale destrezza. Tutto è l in, in queste page che ci ha lasciato c'è già tutto, tracciato con impeccabile perfezione, ma incompiuto.

Trans: Simina Stern
Polirom Publisher
An editorial event without a single literary project: romanul neterminat al lui Jose Saramago, care an inspiration text by Roberto Saviano si Filip Florian
„Am citit acum ceva vreme, nu mai stiu exact unde, nici cind, un caz iden petrecut in timpul aceluiasi razboi din spania, cu un obuz care in the explodat si care ovea in el o hirtie pe care scria in portugheza Bomba aceasta nu va explode." (Jose Saramago)
„In 2009, by mijlocul lui august, donate citeva luni dupa ce terminase Cain, Saramago creat pe laptopul sau un fisier cu notite dedicat noului roman pe care dorea sa il inceapa. The idee mai veche incerca sa-si gaseasca locul intr-o naratiune, iar in perioada aceea descoperise mecanismul declansator al unei anecdote care i-ar fi putut da forma… Planul initial fusese deja trasat: personajele principale erau schitamobil, la acti fel , tonul intrigii si anumite legaturi inter actanti… Muzica prozei sale isi gasise modulatia, intrevazindu se inca de pe acum atributele specifice ale peisajului narativ care incepea sa iasa la iveala: the expresie epurata de barochisme, austere; dialoguri vii, derivate din limbajul cotidian; bine-cunoscutul sau narator atotputernic, intelept, reflexiv si atotcuprinzator… structura de roman politist care articuleaza suspansul; capacitatea sa de a delimits strict medii inchise; cadenta unei cautari disimulate si antagonice… The fire using recunoscut, saramaghiana, care, from the primele contururi trasate, evokes a specific atmosphere of Toate numele si stabileste legaturi cu acea stage din opera sa initiata of Eseu disp orbire.” (Fernando Gomez Aguilera)
„Barbatul se numeste artur peace seed si lucreaza de aproape douazeci de ani la service of armament billing user si munitii dintr-o reputable armament factory, cunoscuta sub legal denumirea of productions bellona sa, a number pe care, and bine sa lamurim, caci au ramas foarte putini cei pe care ii more interest assemenea informatii useless, il purta roman zeita a razboiului.” (Jose Saramago)

Trans: Jasmina Nešković
Laguna Publisher
Dobitnik Nobelove on the grid.
Poslednji rukopis portugalskog nobelovca.
Peace Artur Semedo računovođa u je za čuvenoj kompaniji proizvodnju oružja, zaljubljenik svoj posao u i vatreni obožavalac teškog naoružanja, velikih kalibara i dugih cevi, ambiciozan činovnik koji više od svega zelí of tričavog odeljenja iz i za municiju lako oružje pređe artiljerijski sektor u. Nasuprot Arturu, njegova žena s kojom se reason zakleti je pacifist, koja je promenila ime Berta u Felicija da njeno ime ne bi podsećalo na proslavljenu, bolje rećiloglašenuvetačko su tepabeli haubicu.
Kada u filmu Nada, po romanu Andrea Malroa, koji je gledao u lokalnom bioskopu, Artur Semedo otkrije da su tokom građanskog rata u Španiji, u jednoj fabrici u Milanu, streljani radnicivali ko on saubotra da napreduje, pa ceo slučaj iznosi svom šefu i dobija dozvolu da u arhivu kompanije istraži vemu ove sabotaže sa svojom voljenom kompanijom…
Početak poslednje Saramagove uzbudljive allegorije o trgovini oružjem sadrži još niz rukavaca i zapleta zamišljenih da razobliče ovu moćnu industriju koja postoji koliko i ljudska vrsta. Nažalost, kada već počnemo da se zabavljamo neponovljivim Saramagovim likovima i događajima upletenim u roman, bićemo surovo prekinuti… piščevom smrću.
I Poslednji jedini nedovršeni Saramagov roman Helebarde, helebarde, kremenjače, kremenjače, koji je naslov dobio well stihu jednog starog portugalskog pesnika, u je objavljen oktobru 2014. godine jedan uz osvrt i nenadmašne ilustracije književnog nobelovca Gintera Grease i nekoliko propratnih tekstova Saramagovih mlađih savremenika i Pisaca.
Oni na osoben način i ovim nesvakidašnjim peopledom približavaju čitaocima poslednje delo portugalskog velikana i nude svoje viđenje njegovog nedovršenog rukopisa.

Trans: Işık Ergüden
Publisher: Kirmizikedi
"Silah sanayinde neden hiç grev olmaz?" Saramago, ömrünün sonlarına doğru kafasını kurcalayan bu soruya yanıt aramak için, tamamlayamadığı bu son romanına başlıyor. Romanın çıkış sorusu son derece yaşamsal ve güncel bir etik anlam taşımaktadır: Silah üreten fabrikaların karanlık geçmişi, her türlü grev girişiminin kanlı bir şekildeğ bastırır gırıld. Silah fabrikalarında hiç durmayan ve zorla sürdürülen bu üretim, aslında dünyada asla bitmeyen savaşları da temsil etmektedir.
Bir silah fabrikasında çalışan ve ağır silahlar bölümüne terfi etmek dışında bir amacı olmayan Artur, ends idealist karısı Felicia'nın peşinden gidip, görev aşkpanyla ındad çal'nt? Yani Saramago'nun metinlerinde sıkça vurguladığı bir ilkeyi, “çöküş koşullarında bir erdem isyanı başlatmayı” başarabilecek midir?
Romani Saramago'nun yazma sürecinde aldığı notlar, USTA bir yazarın ROMANINI kurgularken aklından geçenlere ışık tutuyor ve kitapta yer Alan Saramago üzerine yazılmış diğer metinlerle birlikte, okuru tamamlamaya Romani, sorulan etik soruların peşinden gitmeye Davet ediyor. (Tanıtım Bülteninden)