
É a história de um prédio onde há seis inquilinos, e é como se por cima da escada houvesse uma clarabóia por onde o narrador vê o que se passa em baixo
* Completed in 1953, the book was only published in 2011

The calligraphy on the cover is by jurist Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins
Claraboia, whose writing by José Saramago ended on January 5, 1953, consists of a typescript of 319 pages, signed with the pseudonym “Honorato”.

Special co-edition Caminho – Leya and José Saramago Foundation
At the beginning, already distant, in the 50s of the 20th century, Saramago wrote what was his second novel. He called it Skylight, and a friend took it upon himself to send it to an editor. In response, he got silence. After finding the original and having it edited in a book, in 2011, the facsimile edition with the 245 sheets of the original, typed and with the numerous handwritten annotations by José Saramago, is now available to the public.

Editorial Path
2011 – First edition
– We live among men, let us help men.- And what do you do for that?
– I'll fix their shoes, since there's nothing else I can do now.
«Claraboia is the story of a building with six tenants successively involved in a plot. I think the book is not poorly constructed. Anyway, it's also a naive book, but as far as I remember it has things that already have to do with my way of being.” José Saramago
Claraboia, whose writing by José Saramago ended on January 5, 1953, consists of a typescript of 319 pages, signed with the pseudonym “Honorato”. This edition faithfully reproduces the original.

2014 (Trad: Karin von Schweder-Schreiner)
Ein früher Morgen im Lissabon der 1950er Jahre. In einem Mietshaus nahe am Fluss erwacht das Leben. Der Schuster Silvestre öffnet seine Werkstatt, Isaura, die ihre Wohnung mit drei anderen Frauen teilt, setzt sich an die Nähmaschine. Justina plagt sich mit ihrem nörgelnden Mann herum. Dona Lídia, die als Geliebte eines reichen Fabrikanten als Einzige keine finanziellen Sorgen hat, raucht ihre erste Zigarette … Die Atmosphäre ist geprägt von Armut, Melancholie und Stillstand. Erst als Silvestre einen Untermieter aufnimmt, kommt frischer Wind in die Hausgemeinschaft – mit ungeahnten Folgen.

A caligrafia da capa é da autoria é da atriz e escritora Fernanda Torres.

Company of Letters
Spring 1952. A building of six apartments on a modest street in Lisbon is the main setting for the simultaneous stories that make up this novel from José Saramago's youth. The daily dramas of the residents – housewives, well-off employees, manual workers – weave a multifaceted plot, replete with elements of the author's consecrated maturity style, especially the mastery of dialogue and the power of psychological observation. The windows, walls and corridors of the old Lisbon building are privileged witnesses of the small tragedies and comedies represented by the characters. The adventures of Lídia, a beautiful woman supported by her mysterious lover, and Abel, a young em>outsider looking for a meaning in life, contrast with the arduous daily life of the other residents. The book's parallel narratives are organized according to the building's internal divisions, from the ground floor to the second floor. In the early 1950s, José Saramago was no longer a totally unknown name in the Portuguese literary scene. At thirty, the future Nobel Prize winner had published a novel – Land of Sin (1947) - and some of his short stories had been published in Lisbon newspapers and magazines, sometimes signed with the pseudonym “Honorato”. Saramago, a former mechanical locksmith and then a modest social security employee, also had several poems and plays among his unpublished works. Until 1953, the writer would start writing four more novels, which remained unfinished. On January 5 of that year, “Honorato” finished the typescript of a book of more than three hundred pages. The new novel, then sent for publication to a Lisbon publisher through a journalist friend, would end up forgotten in the back of a drawer. The original was never returned to its author, who also received no reply. In the 1980s, the already renowned José Saramago was contacted by the same publisher to publish Claraboia. The grief for the lack of response in his youth led him to declare that he would not want to see the novel edited while he was alive, leaving the decision on what to do with the book to his heirs. After its disappearance, the unquestionable qualities of the novel, built with perfect command of the narrative space, fully justify the option of bringing it to the public

Alfaguara / Penguin Random House
2012; 2013 (Punto de lectura); 2015 (DeBolsillo — Contemporánea) (Trad: Pilar del Río)
Amanece in Lisbon. In a half-way through the 20th siglo, the novelist's gaze is joined by the window of a vecindario. A day is announced in a very different way from the others: the zapatero Silvestre, which opens its taller; Adriana, who is leaving to work while in her house, tres mujeres, starts another sewing journey; Justina, who has before her a long day covered by disputes with her brutal husband; la maintained Lidia; y la española Carmen, lost in nostalgia…
Discreetly, the gaze of the novelist is descending and, suddenly, it ceases to be a simple witness to see with the eyes of each one of the characters. Chapter by chapter, it jumps from house to house, from person to person, opening up to us a world ruled by necessity, the great frustrations, the small illusions, the nostalgia of times that were better in me. Every part of the tedious silence of the dictatorship, the music of Beethoven and a question from Pessoa: Will we all have to be married, futile, taxable?
Saramago finished writing Claraboya in the course of thirty and a year and delivered the manuscript to an editorial of which he only answered forty years later, when he was a consecrated writer. The meticulous and patient writing portrays with mastery a time marked by despair. Claraboya anticipates in a dazzling way the elements of the Saramago universe, as well as the virtues that will be the germ of so many masterpieces. In the text, José Saramago's voice is recognized, his characters are recognized, the lucidity and compassion that distinguish his work according to the Swedish Academy are identified.

Editions 62
Trans: Nuria Prats
Skylight is a petita amazing jewel, which explains the history of the diverse families of a range of veïs. Lectors gaudiran of brilliant thought is always the opportunity of Saramago, of the fermesa of her pols narratiu, of the seva capacity to create characters and of the beauty of the beauty of the literature and of life.Text de contraportadaEl 1953, a young Saramago donava per finished the novel•la Claraboia i sent to a portuguese editorial sense fer-ne cap copy. The manuscript is lost for any misfortune, when the unusual news is reported that “in a change there was only a manuscript that would be interested in publishing it”, the writer will reply that it was no longer the moment . In life you will not be able to come back as you are publiqués, tot i will leave the writing which, a cop mort, les who surviurien podien fer what creguessin convenient. I the deck you are connecting with the primer Saramago, who was already a great writer. Skylight is a petita amazing jewel, which explains the history of the diverse families of a range of veïs. The lecturers gaudiran of brilliant thought i always opportu of Saramago, of the fermesa of her pols narratiu, of the seva capacitat to create characters i to gaudir of the beauty of the literature i of life. In short, a novel to be read exactly for what is the perfect cercle of the literature of José Saramago. «Claraboia is the history of a building both sis veïns that successively veuen embolicats in a assumpte. As far as I remember, you are already tenen a veure amb la meva way of being.” José Saramago
«Claraboia és una novel•la molt bona i interessant (…). Un dels personatges és en certa manera el mateix José Saramago, que es mou entre l’optimisme i el pessimisme, i en el llibre s’ocupa d’un problema que no va poder resoldre mai: si es pot salvar la humanitat.» Zeferino Coelho, editor de Caminho.

Trans: Margaret Jull Costa
Published for the very first time, an early novel by Nobel laureate and literary master José Saramago that tells the intertwined stories of the residents of a faded Lisbon apartment building in the late 1940s.

2013, 2014 (Points - pocket edition)
Trans.: Genevieve Leibrich
Seuil Publishing House
In 1953, José Saramago remits a roman manuscript to a famous maison d'édition de Lisbonne qui ne lui répondit pas et ne lui renvoya never son texte. In 1989, lors d'un deménagement, cette même maison d'édition retrovale the manuscrit et proposa à l'auteur de le publier. Saramago refusa et s'opposa à toute édition de son vivant.La Lucarne nous parvient donc avec soixante ans de retard. On y raconte the vie des inhabitants of an immeuble dans une petite ville portugaise. Of couples that are haïssent, a femme entretenue, a jeune fille ambitieuse that devient sa rivale, four couturières amoureuses by Beethoven and Diderot, a cordonnier philosophe et son locataire, alter ego de l'auteur. Ce roman, profondément subversif pour le portugal du milieu du XXe siècle, traite of situations apparemment anodines more aussi profondes qu'universelles. Dans l'immeuble où Saramago to enter the monde, the lecteurs retrouveront the characters of these futuristic romans and the littéraire univers qui the marqué toute son oeuvre.

Trans: Athena Psyllia
Στις σελίδες αυτού του νεανικού μυθιστορήματος του νομπελίστα Ζοζέ Σαραμάγκου περιγράφεται η καθημερινότητα των ενοίκων μιας λαϊκής πολυκατοικίας της Λισαβόνας της δεκαετίας του '50. Πορτρέτα ανθρώπων και οικογενειακών σχέσεων, επαγγελμάτων, συνηθειών και ηθών μιας άλλης εποχής, τότε που οι προνομιούχοι καταλάμβαναν τους χαμηλότερους ορόφους ενώ οι ασθενέστεροι οικονομικά ζούσαν ψηλά, υποχρεωμένοι να ανεβοκατεβαίνουν τις σκάλες. Η γραφή, τα θέματα και οι εμμονές του συγγραφέα όπως τον γνωρίσαμε στο ώριμο έργο του υπάρχουν σπερματικά σ 'αυτό το βιβλίο-πολυκατοικία με τα κεφάλαια-διαμερίσματα, ενώ κάνει εντύπωση ένα φλερτ του συγγραφέα με κάποιες ψυχαναλυτικές ιδέες που δεν φαίνονται να τον ενδιαφέρουν στο μετέπειτα έργο του. Ένα μυθιστόρημα με έντονα αυτοβιογραφικά στοιχεία – ένας αναγκαστικός σταθμός για όσου αγάπησαιογροτο οτο ποου

Trans: Harrie Lemmens
en grote verrassing. Op een wonderlijke manier weerspiegelt de latere ontwikkeling van Saramago's schrijverschap zich al in ten roman.' NRC HandelsbladZomaar een ochtend in het midden van de twintigste eeuw. From zon komt op in Lissabon. From bewoners van een pand ontwaken, het lijkt een morgen als alle andere: schoenmaker Silvestre die zijn winkel opent, Adriana die naar kantoor vertrekt, Justina die nieuwe ruzies met haar agressieve echtgenoot voorziet voorziet, de la zijn winkel opent, de la Carmen schídia blik onopvalend van woning naar woning gaan, van personage naar personage. Hij toont ons schrale levens, grote frustraties, kleine illusies, heimwee naar andere tijden. Dit alles onder de grouwe deken van de dictatuur, bij muziek van Beethoven en met een van de dichter Geleende verzuchting person: moeten wij dan allen een 'getrouwd, nietszeggend, alledaags, belatingplichtig' bestaan leiden?
In Bovenlicht weet Saramago ons op meesterlijke wijze te introduceren in zijn universum. We herkennen of heldere stem van de latere Nobelprijswinnaar en hij geeft ons een prachtig tijdsbeeld van het Lissabon van de jaren vijftig.
José Saramago (1922 – 2010) schreef Bovenlicht toen hij dertig jaar oud was, maar het werd pas at zijn dood uitgegeven. Deze verloren gewaande roman is wereldwijd met veel aandacht in de pers onthaald. 'Bovenlicht is de poort naar al zijn werk,' aldus Saramago's weduwe Pilar del Rio.

Trans: Ferenc
Minden lélekben, ahogy minden házban is the homlokzat mögött egy Belső világ rejtőzik ... "Ugyanígy van ez Saramago regényének hőseivel, akik or tudnak kitörni kisszerű életükből, még bűneik is elhamvadnak, mielőtt beteljesülnének ... Mindannyian ugyanabban the házban laknak: a leszbikus kapcsolatot kereső varrólány , gyönyör akit, fájdalom are szégyenteljes Titok Kot össze testvérével the Sivar házasságának fogságában vergődő, éjjelente olcsó kalandokat hajkurászó szedő the luxusprostituált, aki végül büszkén kilép megalázó kapcsolatából, are eltűnik az éjszakában ... You're ott van a Suszter, aki még mindig reménykedik egy jobb világban, sa nála lakó fiatalemberrel probálja elfogadtatni a saját igazát. Abel – akiben az író talán saját magát írta meg – nyughatatlan lélek, neither tudja, mit akar, nor látja, merre visz az útja, you are the suszterrel való beszélgetéseiben probálja meglellérmettntntntntnts aztns aztts aztts aztts aztts aztts aznts ays ays aytns aztns aytns aytns aytntntntnt. … tudta, hogy mit találna az utcákon: …az élet önző lendületét, a mohóságot, a félelmet, a Sóvár Vágyat, az utcán bolyongó nők hívogató szavát, a reménykedést, az éktt az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éhsént az éh s , hogy megmutassa az ember igazi arcát.”
Saramago második regényét könyvkiadója, melynek elküldte, válaszra without méltatta, s ez a csalódás annyira kedvét szegte, hogy egy időre felhagyott az írással. Most, évtizedekkel később, az író halála után világszerte megjelenik ez a korai alkotása is, amelyben Saramago értő olvasói már felfedezhetik a későbbi Nobel-díjas regényíróra jellemkenzlsétrtrtrtrtrtr.
2010; 2013
Trans.: Rita Desti
L'azione si svolge Lisbona the metà del xx selo, in a palazzo di a quartiere popolare non meglio identido dove live no sei famiglie. Su questa scena si animano personaggi minati da tristezza and rimpianto le cui esistenze paiono ravvivarsi solo per l'improvvisa echo di a concert of classical music trasmesso alla radio, che per an attimo riapre il mondo al bagliore della bellezza; the instantaneous elaboration of its strategy, fatte of piccole ipocrisie and commitment, with the attempt to escape the mine from the indigenza or to realize the aspirazioni conformist to the piccola borghesia.Un universe circoscritto di mantenute, mini lenti tradite and do vita che hanno renunciato al future to cui fanno da contrappunto gli inserti del diario di a giovane sognatrice, victim of a vicenda dalla morbosità inaspettata, the anchor of the page of the grand letterature disseminates the form of lunghe citazioni; ma soprattutto, gli ideali of the protagonist Abel, giovane intellectual and libertarian, paradigmatic figure of a certain political universe, specie if it is in consideration il contest in cui il romanzo fu scrito, ovvero gli anni bui del Portogallo salazarista, paese isolato, retrivo and miso domination of a fascist dictatorship.
Palesemente debitore of the tradition of the great Russian novel of a lato and of the coeva generazione of the neorealist portghesi of the altro, Lucernario shows the obvious quality of the character of the corpus of Saramago più noto: profondo scavo di scavo dei grande rei personaggi catturare l'attenzione del lettore.
Trans: Haitham Stone
All Prints
Skylight in Lebanon
Trans: Pilar del Río

Trans: Kjell Risvik
Saramago sendte inn manuset til Lyssjakten i 1953 og fikk ikke svar før i 1989. Da gjenfant forlaget det i en skuff og selv om dette fortsatt var noen år før han fikk nobelprisen, ville de gjerne utgi. Saramago nektet og gav ingen tillatelse til å utgi dette ungdomsverket i sin egen levetid. Boken representerte for ham ikke forst og fremst et minne om avslag, men om forlagets likegyldighet og dårlige manerer. Det er uansett en begivenhet at boken endelig kommer ut, for dette er en roman sound allerede tydelig viser at den kommende mesteren var full av kreativitet og ikke vek unna for kontroversielle spørsmål.
Vi blir kjent med et knippe naboer i Lisboa som Silvestre og Mariana, et eldre, godt gift ektepar som tar inn den unge Abel som leieboer. Adriane, som er mer glad i Beethoven enn menn, men hvis gryende seksuelle oppvåkning er i ferd med skape nye følelser. Carmen har forlatt Galicia for å gifte mon med den stillferdige Emilio, men hater Lisbon og lengter tilbake til sin første store kjærlighet, Manolo. Lidia som pleide å jobbe på gaten som prostituert, men nå har en fast “venn”, den rike Paulo, som sørger for henne.
Dette er noen av karakterene vi møter i denne nyoppdagde romanen sound er like dypsindig klok sound vi kjenner Saramago fra hans senere arbeid, men med en friskhet som er mer typisk for en fortsatt uetablert forfatter.

2014; 2015 (Vintage — Penguin Random House UK)
Trans.: Margaret Jull Costa
In 1953, José Saramago submitted a novel to his publishers. Thirty-six years later, he heard back. Called 'the book lost and found in time' by its author, Skylight is one of Saramago's earliest novels. The manuscript was lost in the publishers' offices in Lisbon for decades, and is only now being published in English.
Lisbon, late-1940s. The inhabitants of an old apartment block are struggling to make ends meet. There's the elderly shoemaker and his wife who take in a solitary young lodger; the woman who sells herself for money, clothes and jewelery; the cultivated family come down in the world, who live only for each other and for music; and the beautiful typist whose boss can't keep his eyes off her. Poisonous relationships, happy marriages, jealousy, gossip and love – Skylight brings together all the joys and grief of ordinary peopl

Trans: Simina Stern
Polirom Publisher
Lucarna is a roman of atmosphere, in care personajele sint lasate sa breathe, sa-si expresses nemultumirile, sa evolve ca intr-the theater piesa pe a urmarit fundal detaliu cu detaliu. Fara sa knife lucruri extraordinare, fara sa intreprinda actiuni care sa schimbe soarta lumii, fiecare dintre actorii care populeaza romanul este, la rindul sau, a „main person”: cizmarul Silvestre, cu neasteptata luiura, alura de Don Quijote care pot fi put in mintea fiecaruia dintre noi, trecute zilnic intr-un jurnal salvator, sau timida Justina, the carei lume turns in jurul apucaturilor unui sot capricios. Naratorul urmareste cu discretie, precum un zeu blind, sarind de la o casa la alta, la un personaj la altul, the fire condusa de frustrari mari si aspiratii mici, of nostalgia pentru vremurile ce pareau cindva mai fericite.„Lucarna povesteste de locuitorii unui apartament din Lisabona: Silvestre cizmarul, Justina, barbatul ei mitocan si Carmen, the nostalgica venita de meleagurile Spaniei. It is a difficult romantic tare pentru o perioada precum a fost cea a anilor '50. The carte in care familia, stilpul societatii, and a vipere din care cuib fel nu lipsesc violul, dragostea intre lesbiene, abuzul." (The Guardian)„Lucarna este darul pe care il meritau cititorii lui Saramago. Nu inseamna the swelling o poarta, ci, dimpotriva, when deschide wide, pentru the putea reciti operates in lumina si din lucrurilor perspective pe care scriitorul ni le spusese deja inca din tinerete. Lucarna this intrare poarta in lumea lui Saramago si va fi o descoperire pentru fiecare cititor. Ca si cum un fenced perfect s-ar inchide. Ca si cum moartea nu ar exist.” (Pilar of Rio)

Trans: Jasmina Nešković and Jovan Tatić
Saramagov „izgubljeni“ roman – kako je sve počelo…
Rano proleno jutro u Lisabonu 1950-ih godina. Bude se susedi jedne stambene zgrade kraj reke.
Obućar Silvestre otvara svoju radnju. Izaura, koja deli svoj stan sa još tri žene, silk za šivaću mašinu. Žustina počinje raspravu sa svojim mužin grubijanom. Gospa Lidija, koja jedina nema finansijskih potškoća jer je ljubavnica bogatog fabrikanta, pali svoju prvu jutarnju cigaretu. Španjolka Karmen od jutra je ispunjena nostalgijom… Atmosphere oskudice, melanholije i sivila. Tak kad Silvestre primi novog podstanara, njihovu zgradu ispuniće svetlost – sa neočekivanim posledicama.
Jedini primerak rukopisa ovog, za svoje vreme subverzivnog Roman Saramago je ponudio poznatom lisabonskom izdavaču 1953. godine, ali odziv je izostao i rukopis je nesteo. Odgovor je stigao četrdeset godina kasnije…
„Svetao portret jednog mračnog doba diktature.“ Pilar del Rio
„Moćnim i originalnim pripovedačkim umećem Saramago iu ovom romanu ispoljava svoj dar koji ga je učinio jedinstvenim i nepogrešivim slikarom ljudskih karaktera.“ Ines Pedroza
„Jedan od junaka mogao bi biti bass sam pisac, razapet između optimizma i pesimizma, koji se u romanu nosi sa nerešivim pitanjem: može li čovečanstvo biti spaseno?“ Zeferino Koeljo

Trans: Pinar Savaş
Kirmizi Kedi Publisher
“Ölmek, varolmuş olmak ve artık olmamaktır,” derdi Jose Saramago. The öldü, artık yok, loves Çatıdaki Pencere Portekiz'de ve Brezilya'da, anadilinin vatanlarında basılır basılmaz insanlar yeni kitabı elden he dolaştırdılar ve yepyeni bir heyecanla okuduklarının ı gettuklarınıl belir. Saramago bir kitap daha yayımlamıştı, duyarlılıklarımıza nüfuz eden, hayret ve hayranlıkla kalakalmamıza neden olan taze ve aydınlık bir kitap; ve anladık, sonunda anladık ki bu artık kesinlikle varolmayan ama paylaşmaya devam etmek isteyen yazarın ardında bıraktığı bir armağandır. Bıktırana kadar şu cümle yinelendi: Bu kitap mücevher, Saramago nasıl oluyordu da o yaşında bu bilgeliğe sahip olabiliyordu, insanları böylesine incelikle, kubilisursuzca ve anlatıyın beduleyemada? Nasıl oluyordu of Siradan ve bir önemsiz loves the kadar of EVRENSEL durumları dile getirebilecek, bu kadar bir dingin şiddetle Köhne değer yargılarına karsi Gelecek kapasiteye Sahip olabiliyordu? "Çatıdaki Pencere, Jose Saramago'nun yazarlığının erken döneminde yazdığı loves ölümünden sonra yayımlanan Romani. Eşi Pilar del Rio'nun dediği gibi, Çatıdaki Pencere Saramago'ya giriş kapısıdır ve her okur için bir keşif olacaktır. Sanki mükemmel bir halka tamamlanıyormuş gibi. Sanki ölüm yokmuş gibi.(Arka Kapak)Çatıdaki Pencere: Saramago'nun Yazmaya ve Yayın Dünyasına Küsmesine Neden Olan Kitap.
Trans: Pilar del Río